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I just received news that my car, the main mode of transportation, has been considered TOTALED. Fortunately I'm near public transit; unfortunately it is notoriously unreliable.

I could use the $$$ for bus passes, a down payment, Lyft for crucial appointments, and therapy bills.

When I'm not getting into car accidents I also blog, stream, post essays, build time sites, and cultivating spaces for my Black and Queer friends. A is also scheduled for release in June, and I've been fighting Error 451 codes.

Thank you for helping, boosting, and sending those good vibes my way. I appreciate it all. <3

: $LeeOfTheHedge

Thank y'all!

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The whole experience of the fedi is just yelling "hey nerds, I found something interesting..." into the abyss and the abyss going "fuck me, that is interesting"

I'm just gonna ask on here because you never know I might get lucky.

Does anyone near have a used iPad they don't want? Like any from the last eight to ten years?

It's just I have an old iPad with a whole bunch of music software that I bought years ago and the battery is completely shot and it does not hold a charge. It literally dies sometimes in the time it will take you to read this message.

I am disabled and flat-broke and even refurbed models are out of reach.😕

(I'm in west Canada)

Domain renewal month this month so we need a little extra. is entirely donations driven, with no ads, no algorithm, and no AI - just glorious art and creativity by real people :D

If you could help keep us up and running it would be hugely appreciated! <3

just a friendly reminder that if ur planning or taking direct action

leave your phone in a normal location for you at the time of the event

are you usually at home? at work? leave it there, or give it to a friend and have them hang out with it

in an effort to get folks to contribute more to the most marginalized folks' mutual aid requests, i'm open for small sketch requests for donations. send me proof of $10+ donation to a black or indigenous person's mutual aid and you get a little doodle request !

here is a non exhaustive list of such requests (updated 3/15):

Someone yelled out at me "DON'T USE , THEY MONITOR NOW!" when they overheard me talking about it to someone else.

So I feel vindicated. and all that; it was a matter of when.

Once again, we have been told so.

URGENT :boost_request: here's my (updated) list of folks who need to be prioritized. most on this list are trans & disabled. *most are in increased danger due to US fascism.* please help by pasting their links into your search bar & boosting their posts directly or by giving any small amount. 💗

octo (795/1371) OVERDUE BY 13 DAYS:

kiamichi, utilities DUE MARCH 18:

ra'il (175/700) DUE MARCH 20:

squirrellilly (just 485) DUE MARCH 24:

deliberately_me (210/630) DUE MARCH 25:

meatmech (0/365) needed ASAP:

clara (0/150) needed ASAP:

rayne (435/650) needed ASAP:

evel (182/394) needed ASAP:

tasia (110/299) needed ASAP:

moo, needed ASAP:

ginny, needed ASAP:

dionRa (125/232):

pastel (375):

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For all the hype right now in making it easier for non-techies to create web-apps, my preferred approach is to express the concepts visually. In such way that those non-techies would find more approachable.

Spreadsheets can help complete our picture! Moving from a webpage WYSIWYG to a webservice WYSIWYG! How'd we implement this in our hypothetical hardware-communicator?

The simplest way to extend our (X)HTML WYSIWYG is to add a new XML namespace for dynamically-computed components.


"ive always been like this, bitch; you just only saw me at work"

me as I imagine running into a former coworker today

body horror dream 

now that my teeth have been in decent shape for the first time in years, the horrible dreams have stopped, but only for awhile

now i have anxiety over my crown doing weird shit, yaaaay

Stop pretending science and technology are apolitical. They aren't.

- Knowledge is power.

- Open knowledge is power for all, *equally*.

- Technology grants power to *only* the people that are allowed to wield it, and access to many technologies are not evenly distributed — by design or application.

These are political statements that cannot be separated from these domains. Embrace them, don't ignore them.

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I kind of feel like anyone that either says or implies that being apolitical is a good thing probably shouldn't be trusted.

Being apolitical is a political statement. By staying silent, you're complicit in the status quo. It means you either approve of the current state of things, or you don't care.

Anything that involves more than a few people is political, which is, like, everything. It is impossible to be apolitical. We are all connected by our shared humanity.

them: i need evil things in my backyard

me: mint and bamboo

someone else: kudzu

them: diabolical

and the #ViolenceSkateboards shop is LIVE!

we still have shirts and decks for sale, and now we're all legit, official, and above board!

come buy some stuff and Advocate Violence!


goal met ty everyone 

one of my friends sent me this bluesky post, we need some help please. they're about to lose their car if we won't do anything.
Cashapp/vnmo: doggyrat

#mutualaid #MutualAidRequest

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Hometown is adapted from Mastodon, a decentralized social network with no ads, no corporate surveillance, and ethical design.