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Remember when you first heard about Black twitter and thought it was actually a separate website? Was that just me?

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@BigAngBlack threw out a prompt for great fathers. I don't know if my father was "great," not sure what that would mean but he was a good father. He did his best during a time when all Black men were catching hell daily but particularly Black men who had his darker complexion. He got up every day, went to work and helped my mom build a strong family.

same with my dad
We don't have a lot to talk about but he always calls to check and make sure im okay

fulanigirl has moved

@BigAngBlack The genealogist at the Library of Congress is helping me with some research. She told me we have to start celebrating ordinary people who don't get to be famous, don't have statues or plaques because its their stories of daily survival that are important. That resonated with me and your prompt made me think about how right she was.

That's how we build a strong community, give everyone enough encouragement for just being there that they always want to