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So while I was up in Canada scouting out safe places to whisk my family to in case white people start acting up again this fall, I missed Fani Willis testifying. A friend sent me a link to the full testimony while I was in the airport Sunday. Just watched it last I am compelled to point out...again...the hypocrisy of white America and how they still don't know a damn thing about how black folks live. A thread...1/5

Feb 20, 2024, 15:19 · · · Web · 32 · 45

Remember when Stacy Abrams ran for Gov the first time and how everyone made a big deal about the fact she had debt, like that made her unworthy in some way. Then reflect on the fact that Kavanaugh who presently sits on SCOTUS had 100 of thousands of dollars of debt until he was nominated? And somehow that debt disappeared? Did anyone ask if he took a freakin vacation while he owed that money? 2/5

Did you notice how they referred to her savings as her "hoard of money" rather than her savings and then try to imply criminality because she used CashApp and cash to pay. How many people today use Zelle or Venmo rather than checks? But what? CashApp is something black criminals use? Is that what we are supposed to infer? And what black woman in her right mind does not keep emergency cash where she lives? 3/5


When my mom passed we had to search diligently through 3 floors of her house for any piece of paper that was folded because odds were there was some $ tucked into it. A good friend was cleaning up her mother's belongings after she passed and in the bedroom she shared with her husband of 65 years, they found a safe, which the husband DID NOT have the combo to and inside $40K in cash - her life savings for emergencies! 4/5?

Black people go on vacations, we save, and we prepare for emergencies just like white people do. Both my grandmother, my mother AND my father taught my sister and I to always have our own cash, and to this day we do. Fani WIllis is angry, rightfully so and she is exhausted,. You could clearly see that on the video. But, that sister jumped out there in Warrior mode. I'm wishing her the best and hoping she'll get relief soon. 5/5

@fulanigirl Hope you saw my toot this a.m. via CNN about corroborating Fani paying in cash. She was fantastic on the stand, IMHO. @blackmastodon

@GottaLaff @blackmastodon I didn't see back and had to swing right into grandmother mode cause my daughter was flying out as I was flying in. Had to take grandkid to school at the crack of dawn. Will scroll back and find it. She was awesome and only got reprimanded by the judge twice, That was pretty good.

@GottaLaff @blackmastodon Thanks. Love it! She is a Black woman. We roll exactly like that.

@GottaLaff @blackmastodon Seems like the dad was no slouch in his testimony, either. Love the example where he had to pay cash because the servers would not take his credit cards. I think many professional black people have experienced this same thing. In America, if you are black, you better be damned sure you have some cash somewhere.

@fulanigirl He was GREAT. Yes, America got an education. That alone was worth it. @blackmastodon

@fulanigirl @GottaLaff @blackmastodon Sister was every Black woman I know when faced with mendacity, misogyny, racism, and ignorance. Then her father backed her up. It was glorious the one two punch

@venitamathias She was stellar. So was he. I wish everyone could and would have watched it. @fulanigirl @blackmastodon

@fulanigirl Has the judge given any indication when he will render a decision?

@MiriShuli Not that I've seen yet. There is also the piece on the other part of the defendants' motions having to do with the MLK Jr. Sunday sermon. The judge was not allowing questions on that. It seemed there would be a different proceeding for that. But as I say....I've been away so I need a day or so to get back up to speed.

@fulanigirl I watched almost everything and somehow still don’t know what to expect next. The whole thing makes me furious.

@MiriShuli OK did a little checking on timelines in the GA case. It looks like now that the evidentiary hearings are over, the court will expect the parties to file briefs on the issue. There is also a matter dealing with Wade and whether he mistakenly claimed attorney-client privilege to protect some info in his divorce case. Probably won't be hearing anything on a decision until end of March, if then.

@fulanigirl Thank you for this update. Wonder if Bradley was believable if he contradicted Wade and .Willis on the timeline. Having to leave the firm under he allegations would seem to taint his veracity. Maybe?

Sigh. I just want a decision and for the case to get back on track. 🤷🏻‍♀️🙏🏼

Thanks again.

@MiriShuli Yeah apparently the prosecutor is trying to discredit Bradley because he was accused of a sexual offense against a firm member! Law is will get back on track, we just have to be patient.🙄

@fulanigirl @blackmastodon White Americans are so weird about cash or having more than a certain amount of cash on you (full disclosure, I am white). They act like there is no legit reason to have a lot of cash.

I keep having to tell other white people that hey, there are many people in the world who live very differently than you do.

@MisuseCase @fulanigirl @blackmastodon My wife and I are lucky enough to be able to work remote for a month in Mexico each winter. It is SO WEIRD having to go hit the ATM every few days to get cash. Or always looking for chances to break the damn 500 peso notes the ATM gives you so you can spend 30 pesos for a coke and a mango for breakfast at the corner market without the owner having to dig out their personal change. Meanwhile, I buy burger king with a credit card in the US.

@jonathanpeterson @fulanigirl @blackmastodon Increasingly I don’t even use a credit card in the U.S. anymore I use Apple Pay haha

@MisuseCase @blackmastodon Not only do people live differently, but banks also discriminate Just run an internet search for the # of people where the bank has called the police because a Black person tried to cash a check on their own account; or communities where no major bank is located. Or, where banks attach high fees to having an account. And PS. rich white people have a safe...somewhere in that 8 bedroom house, But that's ok right?

@fulanigirl @blackmastodon did you find some good spots in Canada? I have a really bad feeling about the States come November.

@venitamathias @blackmastodon I went where the black & brown people are -Toronto which is 57% folks of color. Brown folks everywhere and on TV also...and not just mixed race black folks. That was refreshing. They have their problems as well. The Canadians are a weird mix of really nice with some settler mentality thrown in. I could see myself there as a temporary refuge until I could get a long term plan. You don't wait till you are in the hurricane to start preparing for it. I am preparing.

@venitamathias @blackmastodon My grandkid has a father who was an undocumented immigrant. He was born here but in the past 6 years over 70 American citizens have been "accidentally" deported. I'm not willing to sit idly by wringing my hands if he is even remotely at risk. I will have several plans in place and ready to go if necessary.