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I was excited to realise yesterday that not only is there a second season of Andor starting next month, but I only watched the first half of Season 1. Onto episode 8 tonight.

The prison complexes on the ocean planet immediately reminded me of the floating super-prison in the MCU. Then I had a dark thought. What if this is the endgame of SeaSteading technology? The ultimate Guantanamo ...

#TV #SciFi #StarWars #Andor #MCU #SeaSteading #PrisonIndustrialComplex

The Seasteading Institute is looking for help with their wiki. They have planned two event dates to organize work:

Event Details:

Session 1: Wednesday, October 30 at 9AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC Nov. 6 at 16:00).
Session 2: Wednesday, November 6 at 6PM Pacific Standard Time (UTC Nov. 7 at 02:00)

Location: Zoom (Link will be provided upon registration)

If you are interested go to their website:

The wiki is on:

#sea #seasteading #boat

HomeThe Seasteading Institute

Hey #solarpunks, are you familiar with #tidalpunk? What are your thoughts? I rediscovered an older post by @solarpunkgnome that got me thinking.

I'm nearer to the Great Lakes than I am to any ocean, so this is all mostly abstract for me, although this Sea Level Rise slider from NOAA makes things concrete (for the case of the U.S. anyway...)


#solarpunk #science #SeaLevel #SeaLevelRise #SeaSteading

Tidalpunk: Come Home to the SeaSolarpunk Station
Replied to Cory Doctorow

Long thread/6

#10yrsago #Skype’s IP-leaking security bug creates denial-of-service cottage industry

#5yrsago The oil industry just told a judge that #ClimateChange is undeniably real, but they still found a way to weasel

#5yrsago #Seasteading meets the shock doctrine in Puerto Rico, where ethnic cleansing precedes Going Galt

#1yrago Facebook's #genocide filters are really, really bad
