I’m tired of how they be treatin’ Sanaa in these films #TheBestMan #BrownSugar #TheBestManFinalChapters my girl is a couples skate all the way stop castin her like a second choice #BlackMastodon #CouchCousins
I’m tired of how they be treatin’ Sanaa in these films #TheBestMan #BrownSugar #TheBestManFinalChapters my girl is a couples skate all the way stop castin her like a second choice #BlackMastodon #CouchCousins
Funny how #TheBestManFinalChapters managed to cover all of the same topics as the Sex and The City reboot while not being incredibly annoying in the process. #blacktv #blackfediverse
So, #BlackMastodon... When are we gonna start talking about #TheBestManFinalChapters? The convo is buzzing over on #BlackTwitter! Also, I need to find that Harper meme in the limo! Can't download it from the bird site!
Seriously, though, I really enjoyed the series. These characters track my adulthood, and I'm invested in them! Watch it - you won't be disappointed!
#BestMan #BlackTV
Just binged the #TheBestManFinalChapters and have to say that it was SO well done. Lots of laughter and some crying. Wonderful writing overall. Some surprises. Lots of closure. Bravo!
I see I'm going to have to be real strategic about avoiding spoilers on #TheBestManFinalChapters until this Amazon Firestick arrives at my inlaws next Tuesday. I refuse to watch on my laptop or cell phone, Imma need the big screen for this.