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In 2010, when SCOTUS was debating Citizens United vs. SEC, I stood many mornings at a busy intersection in Austin, TX, holding a homemade sign that said, "KEEP BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS."
Some honked and gave me a thumbs up. A few gave me the middle finger. Most just drove by.
I knew then its passage would be the beginning of the end.
“There must be consequences for genocide”
“We understand racism, we understand apartheid, we understand separate development. And that is what is happening in Gaza and in Palestine.”
~ Ronald Ozzy Lamola, South African Minister
#SouthAfrica #Israel #Court #Genocide #Apartheid #Consequences #FreePalestine
Permafrost Thaw Threatens Up To 3 Million People In The Arctic
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #arctic #climatechange #permafrost #thaw #communities #impacts #humanimpacts #infrastructure #risk #hazard #northernhemisphere #global #threat #Sweden #greenland #alaska #yukon #russia #canada #norway #landuse #melting #ecosystems #livelihoods #firstnation #indigenous #inhabitants #population #cost #economics #policymaking #planning #management #spatialanalysis #adapation #transportation #supplies #waterquality #watersecurity #foodsecurity #disease #contaminants #multifactor #analysis #MFA #social #culture #cultural #transdisciplinary #ground #temperature #physicalprocesses #consequences #mobility #supplies #biogeochemical #water #hydrology #engineeringgeology #erosion #ecosystem #FATE
"Broken trust? Broken futures." - Futurist Jim Carroll
I didn't like season one. I sure as heck am not enjoying season 2.
Anyway, while I'm doing my damndest to try to avoid the news, my trend news tracking service did bring up these comments about Agriculture Secretary nominee Brooke Rollins at her confirmation hearing yesterday.
The committee's ranking Democrat, Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), also expressed concern in opening remarks about tariff increases and the impact on the agriculture industry. “I hope that, if confirmed, Ms. Rollins will make the case for sensible trade policy that will work for our farmers in rural America," Klobuchar said.
*Rollins sought to reassure lawmakers. “I sincerely believe that if I do my job,” USDA will be able to help “bring in new trade partners, to expand access for new trade products and for all, whether it’s specialty crops or the row crops or the livestock industry.”*
Got it. New trade partners. Expanded access.
There's a famous tech cartoon that is often used to share the precarious nature of our global software and technology infrastructure today:
That's pretty much the nature of global trade.
It's built on a small but significant foundation of trust.
Lose the trust, you lose the foundation.
With that in mind, I thought I would simply share a post I wrote in 2017, from
Season 1. Give it a read.
I weep for logic.
2017: Tariffs, Trade Wars, the Conundrum of Politics, and My Good Friend Jim Carroll of the Arkansas Soybean Board!
Just over 18 months ago, I opened the annual meeting of the United Soybean Board in St. Louis, a group that represents most of the US soybean industry. I was on stage with a message for over 300 soybean farmers about opportunities for future growth. In addition, I spent 2 hours in a private session with the Board of Directors talking about opportunity. To see what I covered, read my blog post from my keynote "Accelerating Innovation: My Time With the United Soybean Board."
We talked a lot about China and global markets as a big opportunity.
--> Read the rest of the post.
**#Trust** **#Trade** **#Future** **#Relationships** **#Agriculture** **#Economy** **#Consequences** **#Leadership** **#Vision** **#Change**
Futurist Jim Carroll is proudly Canadian.
Original post:
Here are sixteen consequences of concentrating on top-down (traditional) rather than bottom-up (non-traditional) conference process.
#journalists and #media This is an excellent time to prepare and research the #consequences of being a #ConvictedFelon in the #unitedstates, for articles news broadcasts and onair questions to politicians and law enforcement.
1. Impact on credit: score, bank loans, ability to trade or own a public company like #djt. #sec regulations?
2. housing: #neighborhoodwatch lists and alerts neighbors when felons and #sexOffenders arrive
@theguardian_us_news@halo. @newsmast 1/
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