Picture of wasp nest with holes Trypophobia Trypofobia
[no advice, thanks
So, when we first moved into this house I noticed what looked like a big blob of mud near the toilet window. I figured it was probably some sort of nest, but it didn't seem like there was anything moving near it so I left it alone.. That was like 18 months ago.
Last week I found out about dirt dauber wasp nests and the horror stories of people cutting them open (don't do it! Especially if you are an arachnophobe like me).. I thought the nests looked similar to mine, except I didn't remember seeing a hole in mine at all. So I went out and had another look - and there was one single small hole near the top of it. I figured that I had missed it the first time I looked at it.
Today I went to have another look, and.. well..
#Australia #NSW #RegionalAustralia #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #wasp #insects #spiders #trypophobia #trypofobia