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Picture of wasp nest with holes Trypophobia Trypofobia

[🚫no advice, thanks🚫]

So, when we first moved into this house I noticed what looked like a big blob of mud near the toilet window. I figured it was probably some sort of nest, but it didn't seem like there was anything moving near it so I left it alone.. That was like 18 months ago.

Last week I found out about dirt dauber wasp nests and the horror stories of people cutting them open (don't do it! Especially if you are an arachnophobe like me).. I thought the nests looked similar to mine, except I didn't remember seeing a hole in mine at all. So I went out and had another look - and there was one single small hole near the top of it. I figured that I had missed it the first time I looked at it.

Today I went to have another look, and.. well..

#Australia #NSW #RegionalAustralia #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #wasp #insects #spiders #trypophobia #trypofobia

░░↳Content Warning↵░░:

My art, music, and posts often have unpleasant themes.

I will content warn and cover the most uncomfortable of my art, but I will not cover ALL of my art.

If you do not want to see ANY of my art please use the #WillardHermanArt tag to filter it out.

In addition, feel free to block me.

I will tag my art with relevant, accurate tags. For example, you can filter out my art with these tags: #trypophobia #BodyHorror


I do ink brush drawings. These drawings, usually just happen when I sit down to draw. For the most part, in music terms, they are live improvisation.

I just sit down with blank paper, black ink, and brush. Put on some Skinny Puppy, or Coil, sometimes Nurse With Wound. And draw.

Titles, clockwise from top left: "Boiling Voices", "Parent of Horrors","The Philosopher", "As Below, So Above".

#MastoArt #TraditionalArt #Horror #DarkArt #BodyHorror #WillardHermanArt #Trypophobia