#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence
Yesterday I posted a list of factors that create unsafe conditions in our communities. The flow chart for food looks like: governmental failure to build infrastructure + economic disinvestment = lack of access to healthy food + lack of access to medical care -> poor health outcomes = chronic illness and/or premature death See e.g. COVID You can see that multiple factors from the list come into play. 1/7
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence In addition to the community groups working on eliminating food deserts, John Hopkins School of Public Health created an app to pair urban farmers with corner store owners willing to include healthier food in their stores. Corner stores in Baltimore and other urban communities are often the only food options. The stores become important sites for delivering healthy food. Read about the app. https://wordinblack.com/2022/12/this-app-brings-fresh-food-to-corner-store-shelves/
The BUD app from Johns Hopkins University is out to…
Word In Black#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence
#1MExperiments has some interesting experiments dealing with food. One is Rogers Park Yard Sharing where property owners share yard space for growing food and learning environmental issues. They have a tool kit for others interested in the concept https://millionexperiments.com/projects/rogers-park-yard-sharing. Another is Plant-Grow-Share: https://thecentralneighborhood.com/plant-grow-share/ 3/7
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence
Black Urban Framers are everywhere trying to address the lack of healthy food choices in our communities. Here are two great articles covering what urban farmers are doing to help end food deserts: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-americas-food-farmers-race-insight-idUSKCN24V0R8. The Guardian piece also talks about mentioned yesterday. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/05/black-led-urban-farms-are-thriving-until-they-have-to-fight-for-their-land 4/7
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence
On a smaller scale you also have the mutual aid concept of Community Fridge. In NYC the pandemic and concerns about food insecurity led some community folks to start NYC Community Fridges where refrigerators are put outside of a bodega . Food is free for anyone who needs. During the pandemic they started with 13. Now there are 123! Community fridge projects are now across the country. https://www.greenmatters.com/p/community-fridge-near-me 5/7
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence
The Black Market is a small independent grocery store opened to address a food desert in Louisville. Opened by #BLM supporter. Community-based efforts can be rocky. The store was opened and by all accounts doing well. A car slid into the building this winter and damaged it. The store was then vandalized. The owner is undeterred. She hopes to have the store up and running again soon. https://www.bizjournals.com/louisville/news/2023/01/23/black-market-ky-setbacks.html 6/7
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackFediveese #BlackTwitter #Police Violence
Thinking about how to create safety is a labor of both love and necessity. The highlighted projects show it IS possible for us to change the paradigm for what is considered safety and how we go about achieving it. I can’t repeat often enough, it is a long term project but it starts with each of us really thinking about what the world we want to live in should look like and then figuring out how to get there. Peace. 7/7
@fulanigirl Also check out the Cooperative Gardens Commission
"The CGC is composed of hundreds of volunteers from across the United States and Canada working as a collective to facilitate sharing of resources — including seeds, soil, equipment, labor, land, and knowledge — and build solidarity across traditional divides. We are farmers, gardeners, activists, and organizers. We believe increasing local food production can help build community power and resilience."
@urbanmicrofarmer I definitely will and I will try to boost them as well.