Love this!! Listen to her story. She “looks” but is black. She explains her family history. You can’t tell her she isn’t black.
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #BlackFediverse #BlackFedi
#BlackAcademics #BlackDiaspora #BIPoc #black #blacklivesmatter #blackisbeautiful #diversity #DiversityEquityInclusion #dei #mastodon #racism #antiracist #asian #indigenous #mena #history #native #PursueBlackJoy #Hispanic
@zhivi I have a lot of black features so I'm sure there's some recent African ancestry in me. Skin so white you need sunglasses to look at it, though.
@LizzieSpeaks love it. I’m sure you are correct. Have you ever gotten one of those ancestry test done?
@zhivi No, but my paternal grandfather looked so middle eastern that kids used to ask me if he was white. I said yes, because that's what my family told me. But, as I grew older and more and more people noticed my nose, hair, teeth, and cheekbones, it became obvious to me that somebody fudged the truth somewhere in there. I should do one of those tests. His last name was North African French.
@LizzieSpeaks if you do let me know what you find out.
@zhivi CRI Genetics tests are on sale so I'm going to get one when I get paid. It has a timeline for ancestry.*17dbvq0*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2NzAzNjM3NDUuQ2owS0NRaUE3YnVjQmhDZUFSSXNBSU93ci04NjYxM3ZoQUhlaFB1S3I4QTlpbEgxbFhaejNaTF9SUTB3UWdXTnlYYXIySVRUWVlUT1E0Y2FBczVPRUFMd193Y0I.
@LizzieSpeaks I can’t wait to hear your results