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My new #BigBrother25 #WhyXLost #podcast is out! It’s really bad to get voted out a 2nd time, when your supposed ally is HOH, by everyone joining against you. We explain how it all happened. Plus Felicia ranted he “is not a master player, he has no personality, the only thing he has is the ability to win competitions.” She was trying to write this podcast! We added some things as we discuss Why Cameron Lost Again:

#BB25 #BigBrother #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #Entertainment

BB25 Why ___ Lost Week 10 | Big Brother 25 –

My new #BB25 #WhyXLost #podcast is here! Jared or Cameron will return to the game but they were evicted so we examine their games. They had a lot of mistakes in common. Did either follow ANY Rules? Why Cameron & Jared Lost:

Plus my cohost Ovi Kabir discusses his own experience as an evicted player in #BigBrother 21’s Camp Comeback. And we look ahead to how each needs to improve if they return:

#RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #Entertainment

BB25 Why ___ Lost Week 7 | Big Brother 25 –

My latest #BigBrother25 #Podcast is here! Hisam went from being King to getting thrown out, so we’re back to figure out what happened. He said, “they were looking for a reason to evict me,” is that true or did he provide the reasons easily? How did his emotional play connect all of his game issues together? And do we think it was the right move for the other players? It’s time to figure out Why Hisam Lost:

#BB25 #BigBrother #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #BBHisam

BB25 Why ___ Lost Week 3 | Big Brother 25 –

The new #BigBrother25 #WhyXLost #podcast is out! Reilly was 1st HOH & should’ve consolidated power/made good relationships. Ovi Kabir & I are here to talk about what happened instead. Where’d she go wrong & why couldn’t she avoid Hisam’s wrath? We figure out Why Reilly Lost:

#RHAP #BB25 #BigBrother #RealityTV #TV #Entertainment #BBReilly #BBHisam

BB25 Why ___ Lost Week 2 | Big Brother 25 –

#BigBrother25 premier sucked up until the end.

They are going to spend 100 days in that house, so tags to filter out if you aren't interested are #BigBrother25 #BB25. I'll be posting a couple days a week about it.

It was slow, boring and blah. Unnecessary bits.

#ChenBot was extra bot tonight. #BB25 #RealityTV #TVShows

L to R: Mecole, Red, Izzy, Blue, Jag, Matt, Jared, Reilly
Front row
L to R: Felicia, Cory, America, Luke, Hisam, Bowie Jane, Cameron, Kirsten not pictured, Cirie

As a multiply queer, multiply disabled person - sometimes the hardest thing for me to come out as is ... a Big Brother fan. Like, it so does not align with any of my other values or interests & so I have to explain it to new ppl in my life & it always sounds so defensive. lol

(Side note: I should see if there's a BB fandom presence on fedi - lemme add the tag and see what happens #BB25 )