Three weeks ago, I ran 67.5km in a trail race. This practice was key to my recovery post-race. Into another training block now, building for fall races, I rest and restore with this practice.
How do you restore?
#WorkLifeBalance #UltraRunner #UltraTrail #TrailRace #Rest #Recovery #ActiveRecovery #Yoga #DailyYoga #YogaEveryDay #FreeYoga #ChillYoga #YogaAndChill #SelfCare #AtHomeYoga #SelfCareAtHome #RestorativeYoga
Recording and editing yoga offerings for online yoga classes. I am struggling with the level of vulnerability required to put oneself out there on the internet. Exposing my soft underbelly to the world, literally and figuratively, is something that I am still reckoning with. Being a body online is harsh.
Advice? Tips? Words of wisdom? Mantras for intestinal fortitude?
#Yoga #YogaClasses #YinYoga #RestorativeYoga #DailyYoga #AskFedi #OnlineYoga #AtHomeYoga #OnlineYogaClasses
Puppy when I am doing my own yoga practice: asleep.
Puppy when I am trying to record me teaching a yoga class: All of the puppy kisses. Asking with her paw for scritches and love. Lying on top of me in a twist to snuggle.
Puppy will be excluded from future recording attempts!
Yoga offerings coming soon!
#Yoga #YogaClasses #AtHomeYoga #AtHomeYogaPractice #DailyYoga #PuppyLove #DogsOfMastodon
Yoga practice 1199 today. A post run yin.