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New fossil #fish species scales up evidence of Earth's evolutionary march

A Late #Devonian coelacanth reconfigures actinistian #phylogeny, disparity, and evolutionary dynamics: Alice Clement et al.

"The discovery of an exceptionally well preserved ancient primitive Devonian #coelacanth fish in remote Western #Australia has been linked to a period of heightened tectonic activity, or movement in the Earth's crust"

New #preprint out 😁 looking at structural causes and mitigation of #identifiability problems when reconstructing past evolutionary change, inspired by the problems in phylogenetic inference.
It's quite technical, and unfortunately I don't have time/funding to continue working on this in the near future 😕 but maybe these thoughts are helpful to the #EvolutionaryBiology community
#Phylogeny #MathematicalBiology

Possible and Impossible Inferences From Reconstructed Evolutionary Processes using Phylogenies as an

A new preprint from the lab on the distribution of ancient whole-genome duplications across the angiosperm phylogeny. Great work led by PhD student Michael McKibben! We used a variety of methods and different species trees to infer and place WGDs across the phylogeny. Overall, similar results to our past work, but species tree had a large impact on WGD inferences. Check it out here:

#WGD #polyploidy #phylogeny #angiosperms

#Paleontologists Find New #Fossils of Enigmatic North American Primate

#Phylogeny and #paleobiogeography of the enigmatic North American #primate #Ekgmowechashala illuminated by new #fossils

"Ekgmowechashala is a poorly documented but very distinctive species of ancient primate that lived in western North America during the Early #Oligocene epoch, some 30 million years ago."

Interesting study of the performance of phylogenetic models for gene expression evolution, although they seem to have only investigated single-optimum OU models, which IMO limits conclusions on datasets with orthologs and paralogs. (Indeed they find poor performance for our 2016 dataset testing the ortholog conjucture.)
#phylogeny #GeneExpression #MolecularEvolution #bioinformatics #phylogenetics

Evaluating the Performance of Widely Used Phylogenetic Models for Gene Expression EvolutionbioRxiv

PhylteR: efficient identification of outlier sequences in phylogenomic datasets.

PhylteR can automatically identify sequences likely to be hidden paralogs or horizontally transferred genes in very large datasets. Removing those sequences therefore reduces noise in downstream analyses.

Available as an R package on CRAN or as docker and singularity images.



#Phylogeny #Genomics #bioinformatics #Phylogenomics

phylter: Detect and Remove Outliers in Phylogenomics