Thanks to everyone joining in the conversation about #ChatGPT. This is fascinating to me as a librarian and non-techy person. Since the tool is out there for the world to play and experiment with, we should prepare for unintended uses. While those in the AI/ML fields know the limitations, the people contacting librarians about responses ChatGPT has given them don't. The potential for people acting on misinformation and misunderstanding of the technology is very real.
We have to learn more about how these things work and make sure our patrons (librarian-speak for users, customers, etc) are equipped to approach them with a critical eye.
@bibliotecaria It feels like we've left the Information Age and entered the Misinformation Age. We have malicious liars undermining democracy and "AI" oracles that regurgitate a mishmash of others' words out of context as if they were true.
Your #librarian skills are needed now more than ever.
@bibliotecaria you put your finger on the dissonance perfectly: when (most) folk hear "AI" they think of an electronic "person" that can reason, make moral judgments etc. not a mathematical model that just mimics existing material. And it's hard to know what to do about that! (a) we aren't equipped to be constantly evaluating every single thing we read/see, 24/7, with a critical eye, (b) society places value on style/presentation & performing competence is enough to make us accept at face value.