#AcademicChatter #BlackMstodon #AcademicMastodon
Does anyone else dream of exam questions and solutions or it is jut me? I had to get up early this morning and write them down before I forget them. #PurposefulProfessor #NoireSTEMinist
I once had a dream in C code. I was upset because I woke up before I got the code checked in, and lost it all.
@gdinwiddie Yeah that is my fear! I also forget my dreams a lot. I have dreamt a whole movie once that I never got written down. I really need to put a pencil and pad by my bed.
@drcaberry @gdinwiddie Maybe try a high dose of vitamin C before bed. IIRC, that makes dreams more lucid or vivid, in which case perhaps associative memories might help keep them tied to something.. as opposed to a dangling reference that lets it slip away.
@koherecoWatchdog @gdinwiddie Wow! Thank you for that.