@uliwitness scrambled!!!
@drcaberry Allegro moderato, please (with soldiers, they're at a quick march ).
Yes I can read music! Now figuring out in my head all the words that can be formed with A-G
@drcaberry Breakfast for dinner. I’m in. Scrambled or sunny side up?
@kevingamin Scrambled with cheese and omelets are my favorite!
For us in Italy it is more common to see it as "mi - sol - sol", so it took me a while to get the result.
@GustavinoBevilacqua @drcaberry I took a class on "sight singing" (as an elective) in college, and found that "do-re-me..." (or 1-2-3...) is so much easier than "C-D-E...". It doesn't denote the absolute pitch, but it is SO much easier to move up or down in pitch to fit your range.
@Retreival9096 @GustavinoBevilacqua I love that fun fact!!!!!
The theory beyond it is pretty antique, XI c.!