Womens wrestling hardcore blood
Womens wrestling hardcore blood
#Kommander on #BlakeChristian:
First #Hurricanrana on #ZeroHour; and again! Then #Kommander on #LeeJohnston (last two were on the ring #apron: )
Will there be more #rana?
#Ricochet on #SwerveStrickland after #PrinceNana walked out on Swerve? (
And a #PoisonRana from Ric 'O Shea again on "The Realest"
#TreeOfWoe rana by #MariahMay on #ToniStorm as part of their gruesome "hollywood ending"
Rana by the recently healed #KennyOmega on #KonosukeTakashita
Much later in the same match was the event's second Poison Rana by Kenny on Konosuke
Early in the #CageMatch, the #UK's #WillOspreay ranas former buddy #Australian #KyleFletcher (kayfabe: they're still friends for realz)
Osprey later countered Kyle with the third poison rana of the night.
And Osprey countered AGAIN with a regular rana.
11 ranas so far...
Just 1 shy of #Wwe's January #RoyalRumble and i doubt this upcoming main event will produce a rana.
On #AewRevolution from #LosAngeles
#Aew #Revolution for the first time on #Amazon #PrimeVideo
Heading into AEW Revolution in Los Angeles, Timeless Toni Storm is looking for her Hollywood Ending! #wrestling #aew #pixelart
#KennyOmega did a #rana on #KyleFletcher (on Kyle's home continent)
Will (Ospreay) there be more #hurricanrana's?
#WillOspreay was in rana position on his (non kayfabe) buddy Kyle but it ended up being a #DDT (Damien's Death Trap)
Omega also rana'd #KonosukeTakashita
And also later a #PoisonRana
Later #BuddyMatthews (in his home country) rana's #KazuchkaOkada
#WillOsprey #hurricanrana'd #BuddyMatthews
Then on #Collision #Kommander #rana'd #Pac twice ( .as nice. )
Later #MariahMay, from the #treeOfWoe position, rana'd #HarleyCameron off the top turnbuckle
#LioRush of #RushAction #hurri'd to #hurricanrana #isaiahCassidy of #PrivateParty from the top turnbuckle
#danteMartin bounced off #kommander into a #rana on #BrianCage
Later #Kommander rana'd #beastMortos
53ish year old #chrisJericho the #LearningTree rana'd #CashWheeler of #RatedFTR off the top turnbuckle
That leaves a count of 4 ranas
On a single episode of #AEW #Collision
Then on #wwe #smackDown #Andrade (EL idolo) rana'd #shinsukeNakamura (the wayward samurai)
And a triple rana (with one being outside the ring) by #michin aka #miaYim
On #piperNiven
#AEWDynamite starts on TBS, YouTube TV, Triller, and MAX in the US in about 27 minutes, at 20.00 Eastern, 19.00 Central.
Watch some #wrestling with me tonight. The card has some serious highlights, including former #AEW Women's World Champion Jamie Hayter vs former TBS Champion Julia Hart. You'll love Julia's entrance.
#willOsprey attempted a #rana on #kyleFletcher but was unsuccessful...
And another #hurricanrana attempt blocked just the same by Kyle...
Finally making it on the third attempt, this one a poison rana, looking like a murder scene with a crimson mask...
4th attempt countering a move from Kyle with another killer rana, dialing it in for the win...
The craziest is that Will needs to clean up the laceration on his forehead (which he wiped on the entrance circle) and be ready for the tourney final later tonight!
Hurri by #mercedesMone on #krisStatlander into a pin.
In his second match of the might, Osprey rana'd #kazuchkaOkada early.
In the main event, #jayWhite rana'd #hangmanAdamPage
Anyone watching the #AEW #ProWrestling PPV tomorrow? Any predictions about the card?
Mercedes Mone - Statlander is the one I'm most hype for.
Newly migrated account means a new profile and a new #introduction!
I'm AllKeysGDS, or just "AllKeys", an amateur/home #chef always researching my next recipe
She/Her, Cis, Het, Black AF, early 30's
here for #AEW #ProWrestling #cooking #fantasy #books #anime #bookstodon & #gaming esp #PCGaming and #Switch #Nintendo #RPG and #JRPG ,
Also expect anxiety, #ActuallyAutistic, and some #NSFW #MarriedLife posts, including #BDSM
If any of that sounds fun or exciting, say hi or drop a follow!
#hurricanrana cutter combo by #markQuen and #isaiahCassidy of #privateParty but didn't catch the name of the local wrestlers the #rana was performed on
The final #aew #rampage
From the hammerstein ballroom in #nyc
Closed down by #Mox in the production truck lookin' at 20 screens
I'm rewatching Will Ospreay (c) vs. PAC at #AEW #AllOut from this year for the International Championship. Two of the very best wrestlers, two of my favorites personally, in a #wrestling match that's making a lot of year-end "best of" lists.
Genuinely, this match is at one of the poles of what professional wrestling can be. When it's over, I expect I'll skip to the end of the show, with another match making "best of" lists, on an entirely different axis: Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Adam Page in a Lights Out Steel Cage match.
re: wrestling fantasy booking
Earlier in this very year, Hangman was part of a stellar feud with Swerve Strickland that led to this shot, of Hangman sitting, drinking, while Swerve's kayfabe "childhood home" burned.
The man has shown that you can trust him as a main character. Fucking give him the ball again. #AEW #wrestling
wrestling fantasy booking
One of the matches at this year's #AEW #WorldsEnd is a four--way match for the World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Orange Cassidy, Jay White, and Hangman Adam Page.
I want Hangman to eke out the victory.
Mox and his Death Riders have held the promotion's biggest names at bay. They wouldn't shy away from targeting Hangman to get the title back.
Darby Allin's crusade to bring the company back to its core values wouldn't stop because Hangman won. Hangmad (not a typo) isn't any better a champion, and Darby would still be all over his ass.
Jay White has issues with Hangman. Swerve has issues with Hanger, potentially drawing The Hurt Syndicate into the title picture where they belong. Samoa Joe is set to return from his outside obligations, and would absolutely come back with a "Whoa, you let this chump grab the title? I've had his number" attitude.
Hangman has no one in his corner. Kenny Omega is set to return, but given their complex history, there's no telling how he'd respond to Hangman's current persona. Would the Young Bucks also return, reforming a fully heel version of The Elite?
There's so much fucking meat on that bone, ... and I don't think the company will go that direction. #wrestling booking eschews story complexity four times out of five; it makes the highs triumphant, but it also leaves me wanting in so many moments like these. They'll waste months' worth of exciting potential to go with a simpler, more predictable idea,
and it's the one thing that really bums me out about the art form.
Within this, Part 2 of AEW All Out in 2019, is a match between Chris Jericho & Hangman Adam Page to crown the first #AEW World Heavyweight Champion
#DanteMartin #hurricanrana'd #theBeastMortos before #Kommander got more hang time than ever on #aew #fullGear then it was #Kommander's turn to give the beast a #rana, then another poison rana off the ropes between the same 2 #wrestlers on #zeroHour
Then on #AEWFullGear main show #MercedesMoné rana'd #KrisStatlander off the ring apron to the outside of the ring.
And later again #willOspreay rana'd #KyleFletcher twice in the opening minutes of their classic bout
A "maybe" rana by #Ricochet on #KonosukeTakeshita. And 2 more again later, first being off the top corner.
For a total of 9 ranas - the new record!
There are some people who think the Tope Suicida is a bad move an' should be banned from wrestlin'.
Those people are wrong.
What're yer favorite wrestlin' moves, poozers?
(Art sampled from "Green Lantern" Vol. 3 #49 by Ron Marz, Fred Haynes, Romeo Tanghal, Justine Mara Andersen, Steve Mattsson, Albert DeGuzman, Kevin Dooley, and Eddie Berganza. Edits: Altered and additional dialogue, altered background.)
2 #hurricanrana on last week's #aew #dynamite, one by #lioRush on #swerveStrickland, the other #rana between #ftr and #kingsOfTheBlackThrone
Welp time for another #introduction
I am Brandon I use the Chaos Director thing for show really, I run @MagicNinjaRobot as the director of channels and write on the Desk of Chaos #substack and also co-created "The Dominant Ones" with my wife @IliDraws she does the arts there.
I play #videogames I enjoy fighters and if your into #SF6 or #tekken8 maybe we can exchange user names and such.
I am a #toycollector and build #gunpla as well as write and like #prowrestling mainly #aew though
Nearly a triple #hurricanrana by #PrivateParty on the #YoungBucks but the Bucs eventually hit back with a #rana off the top turnbuckle on
#aew #dynamite #frightNight
Later #SwerveStrickland flexed a super quick rana on #SheltonBenjamin before #BobbyLashley's debut and the reconglameration of what was the hurt business, but is now the #hurtSyndicate
Then on #Rampage a poison rana by #Kommander on #KyleFletcher
Haven't seen #LeoRush do a rana in a while! ) this one on #AriaDaivari #Collision some killer #wrestling this week!
Somehow this week there were as much as two ranas on the #Simpsons #treeHouseOfHorror XXXV! Homer was inhabited by simbiant named Denim who forced Marge into submission.