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I'm flying out on Monday. I'm going to the UK for 6 weeks to visit Greg, which feels long overdue because he wasn't able to come to Australia in June, so it's been a year since we saw each other.

Because I have to travel from Bathurst to Sydney before flying, I get a hotel room the night before. It means I get to shower and sleep in a bed after spending 4 hours on a bus, and before spending 24 hours on a plane.. and dealing with all the pain that brings.

Because I'm flying on the Monday, it means travelling to Sydney on Sunday - but there's no bus on a Sunday. So that means going down on Saturday and staying in the hotel for two nights.

I don't mind.. I quite like hotels. They lean into my appreciation for liminal spaces. I'm thinking of re-watching Severance over the two days, just because that feels like it fits in with hotels and airports.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to being with Greg again (and his wife, and their friends.. I miss all of them when I'm home). Also, for #FoxAndSquirrelWatch2025 - WATCH THIS (liminal) SPACE!!

[also, I have tentative plans to piss on Thatcher's grave.. so stay tuned!]

#Australia #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #UK #London #NonMonogamy #relationship #dating #LongDistance #FuckThatcher #DingDong

It always amuses me when I get into discussions with Australian men about vaccination, and they accuse me of mindlessly following the government.

1. Bestie, I was an insurrectionalist illegalist anarchist before you were even a zygote.

2. My friend, the government doesn't want you to be covid careful. YOU are the one doing what they want.

Step away from your Ned Kelly profile pic, go sit on the naughty step and have a think about how silly you look right now.

#Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia #covid #covid19 #GetVaccinated #GetBoosted #vaccines

Housemate picked up from Sydney airport.

On my drive there I saw 4 police stops, a snake as long as the car trying to cross the highway, and some sort of motorcy part fall off the motorcycle.

On our way back we saw goats.

We arrived home to Mia sitting on the front porch, having yet again escaped the backyard. This time I don't know how she got out.

She doesn't give a single fuck.

#Dog #Dogs #DogsOfFedi #DogsOfMastodon #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia

New years eve snacks..

It's just me and the pets, an episode of Below Deck Sailing Yacht, and a video call with Greg. I'm driving to Sydney tomorrow to pick my housemate up from the airport, she's flying in from spending 3 months in the US with her family.

So tonight I get to enjoy one last quiet night in the house on my own before chaos returns to its usual levels.

#newyear #nye #2025 #Food #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia

There's a guy who walks around the local area and fishes cans out of rubbish bins to recycle for cash.

A couple of months ago he was along our street on bin day, fishing through the recycling bins in front of each house. I went out and chatted with him, he kept reassuring me that he wasn't making a mess and he didn't want to cause trouble.

I explained that if he wanted to I could just pop the cans into a plastic bag next to the bin so he could grab them easily. He was worried that other people might take them, so we've sorted out a system where I put them in a plastic bag INSIDE the recycling bin and tie the ends to the handle so not only can he just untie it to get the cans, but he can clearly see if there are cans in the bin to grab.

A lot of the time mutual aid isn't money.

#CommunityCare #MutualAid #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia

Today while I was waiting for the traffic lights to change I saw a fully dressed Santa cross the road just past Bathurst KFC, walking down to where the swimming pool is. He was carrying a big red sack, filled with what I can only imagine was either toys, ..or perhaps chicken.

A few minutes later Santa drove up the same street on a motorcycle. Still fully dressed in his finest red, obviously fake beard blowing over his shoulder in the wind.

The sack was nowhere to be seen.

Did he swap a sack full of chicken for a motorcycle? I need to know!

#Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia #christmas #santa

If you see a public psychiatrist in NSW, you might want to check in with them about the future of your access to them.

Public psychiatrists in NSW are set to resign on 21st January, as industrial action. They earn a fraction of what psychs in other state public systems (or private psychs) earn, and have been asking for wage increases. The government keeps saying no.
Ental health access in NSW, especially regional NSW, is about to get a lot harder.

#Australia #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #MentalHealth #psych #psychiatry #Union #unions #unionstrong #audhd #autism #adhd

Picture of wasp nest with holes Trypophobia Trypofobia

[🚫no advice, thanks🚫]

So, when we first moved into this house I noticed what looked like a big blob of mud near the toilet window. I figured it was probably some sort of nest, but it didn't seem like there was anything moving near it so I left it alone.. That was like 18 months ago.

Last week I found out about dirt dauber wasp nests and the horror stories of people cutting them open (don't do it! Especially if you are an arachnophobe like me).. I thought the nests looked similar to mine, except I didn't remember seeing a hole in mine at all. So I went out and had another look - and there was one single small hole near the top of it. I figured that I had missed it the first time I looked at it.

Today I went to have another look, and.. well..

#Australia #NSW #RegionalAustralia #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #wasp #insects #spiders #trypophobia #trypofobia

Looks like we're one bridge away from being cut off from town for a couple of days..

We'll be fine.

The SES have stated that the following areas may be impacted by dangerous floodwaters:

- The car park adjacent to the Gordon Edgell Bridge may experience inundation
- Freemantle Road may close at Freemantle Bridge
- Ophir Road may close at Dunkeld
- Cousins Park on Bridge Street may be inundated by floodwater
- Jubilee Park on Ophir Road may become inundated
- Eleven Mile Drive typically may due to local flooding along Saltram Creek.
- Low-lying area along the Macquarie River may be impacted by floodwater.

#Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia #weather #Storms #Thunderstorms #WeatherWarning

[🌧️ advice welcomed, please 🌧️]

So, the back of the yard is flooded.

My house is totally dry and fine.

It's about 5 to 6 inches deep in some spots. I'm going to have to go out and get a better look tomorrow.

I think I'll have to do something (?fuck knows what) about the standing water because of the risk of mosquitoes breeding in it.

(also, all this water fell in about 2 hours)

(also also, all the doors and windows are closed at the moment. I have the fan and the air conditioner on.. AND I CAN HEAR THE FRONGS OVER THE TOP OF IT, THAT'S HOW LOUD THEY ARE 😆🐸)

#Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia #weather #Storms #Thunderstorms #WeatherWarning #AdviceWelcome #PleaseHelp #ThankYou