A Sceliphron mud dauber wasp carries a glob of mud back to her mud nest, the weight of her load counterbalanced by her unusual petiolate abdomen. Texas. #sceliphron #sphecidae #wasp #insects #flight
A Sceliphron mud dauber wasp carries a glob of mud back to her mud nest, the weight of her load counterbalanced by her unusual petiolate abdomen. Texas. #sceliphron #sphecidae #wasp #insects #flight
This one is called red velvet #ant - but it's actually female of #wasp species. Males have wings, dark gray, photos I saw had cool "fallen angel" vibes
#drawing #art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #krita #ArtWithOpenSource #insect #insects
A long-legged Ichneumonid wasp with multi-colored stockings for #WaspWednesday
Manitoba, Canada.
#wasp #insect #Manitoba #Hymenoptera #Ichneumonidae #bugstodon
Baby got back.
American Pelecinid Wasp (Pelecinus polyturator).
Manitoba, Canada.
#wasp #insect #InsektenSamstag #bugstodon #insectodon
me: oh, never heard about the #wasp genus Mischocyttarus… I wonder if there's more than 2-3 species? genus Mischocyttarus:
Marveling about this beautiful #wasp #phylogeny visualization from the great book "Wasps" by Eric R. Eaton. I'd so love to have that (with timeline approximations) for EVERY taxon.
nice ichneumonid #wasp from Salento, Colombia today. (I think genus Anomalon) #iNaturalist www.inaturalist.org/observations...
Arachnophobes Beware
Came across this on my evening walk in Melbourne, Australia.
A spider wasp (Cryptocheilus bicolor) had paralysed this large huntsman spider and was dragging it to it’s prepared burrow where it will lay an egg on it for its larvae to feed on when it hatches.
#spider #wasp #australia
It's the first #WaspWednesday of 2025! Let's start the new year off with a gall wasp double-shot.
This lovely two-toned lady goes by Disholcaspis quercusmamma, or D.q. mamma for short. Upon becoming an adult in fall, she chews her way out of the gall she's lived in since spring. Being parthenogenic she has no need to mate in order to lay eggs that will be the spring sexual generation.
Sadly not all of her kind will make it to adulthood..see next post
#gall #gallWasp #wasp #insect #hymenoptera
Picture of wasp nest with holes Trypophobia Trypofobia
[no advice, thanks
So, when we first moved into this house I noticed what looked like a big blob of mud near the toilet window. I figured it was probably some sort of nest, but it didn't seem like there was anything moving near it so I left it alone.. That was like 18 months ago.
Last week I found out about dirt dauber wasp nests and the horror stories of people cutting them open (don't do it! Especially if you are an arachnophobe like me).. I thought the nests looked similar to mine, except I didn't remember seeing a hole in mine at all. So I went out and had another look - and there was one single small hole near the top of it. I figured that I had missed it the first time I looked at it.
Today I went to have another look, and.. well..
#Australia #NSW #RegionalAustralia #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #wasp #insects #spiders #trypophobia #trypofobia
Les femelles de la vespa Philantus triangulum, conegudes com vespes llop, per tal d'alimentar a les seves larves, poden caçar en un any més de 100 abelles de la mel (Apis mellifera). Cada femella construeix diversos nius subterranis i en cada cel·la diposita una larva a la que subministrarà abelles com a aliment. Normalment, entre 3 i 6 abelles per cel·la.
#wasp #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #bee
It's very hard to get new comics in Thailand so I mostly read digitally, but I had the chance to get Avengers Assemble #1 by Steve Orlando, Cory Smith & Sonia Oback + I am so glad I did bc it was really fun and the art was fantastic. Just look at this. My girl Monica is PERFECT #Avengers #Photon #MonicaRambeau #MonicaRambeauFanClubPresident #ShangChi #Wasp #CaptainAmerica #AvengersAssemble #comics
Another not so obvious sound source is the Doepfer A124 VCF Wasp Filter. Out of the box it is “just” a filter with resonance, although with plenty of personality. But in my case, i modified it to add an optional self resonance. It can then be CV controlled as a VCO, but not a pure sine as is often the case, but something with grit.
Just posted my first video on PeerTube! It's a wasp. Digging a hole! #wasp #insects #bugstodon
Was cleaning barn windows and came upon one of these, a nest of some species of mud dauber #wasp.
Wish I could get these critters to repair the putty in these old windows.
#nature #insects #entomology #ecology #biology #biodiversity #newengland #naturalmassachusetts #naturalhistory #massachusetts #naturephotography #CentralMA #Hymenoptera #wasps
Working class racism: https://www.aurianneor.org/working-class-racism/
#AlbertThomas, #aurianneor, #Biden, #Clinton, #democracy, #environment, #farright, #hollande, #ilo, #immigrants, #internationallabourorganization, #JavierMilei, #KamalaHarris, #left, #nationalpreference, #NorbertElias, #Obama, #owner, #poutine, #prosperity, #racism, #right, #socialclass, #socialdemocracy, #solidarity, #trump, #victim, #VictorOrban, #war, #WASP, #worker